Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cushion Covers Continued

Meet the team . . .
  • J & A, designers:
. . . they went for variety.
  • C, yours truly, on ruler and scissor duty:
. . . my challenge was to convert ideas into fabric ready to sew. I had to add the 1.5 seam allowance to each side of each piece. That's in italics because a couple of times I mixed it up. An extra strip of fabric solved the problem and ended up looking like a feature.
  • D on the sewing machine:
. . . it's her machine, and I was in no mood for sewing zippers that day.
  • A, also starred on the stitch ripper
  • and J took over the camera. thanks for the pics J:)


Vireya said...

Great team effort! The cushions look terrific.

Chiara Z said...

Thanks, and it was fun.