Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scissors, Scissors and More Scissors

I did confess earlier that I have a particular appreciation for a good pair of scissors. Even so, I failed to introduce these two:
The pair at the top are called Pinking Shears. Don't ask me why! Here's what they do:
That zig-zag looking edge isn't for decoration. It's another way of finishing off a raw edge of fabric. Quicker, easier and cheaper than sewing a line of zig-zag stitching. We decided to pink the raw edges on the inside of the cushion covers, since they will rarely see the light of day. This edge is ok to go in the washing machine, but I wouldn't use it for a garment, though some people do.

I don't know the proper name for the other scissors. Back in my days of medical work, I knew them as "plaster scissors". We'd use them to cut through the last few layers of a plaster cast. I just asked A what she called them. She said, "they're Mutti's Super Scissors".
. . . you're getting the idea that they will cut through just about anything. They came into their own in the Cushion Cover project. We used them to cut off the spare length of zipper when we had one that was too long. D did that after the zip was sewn in. And she put in several lines of stitching to secure the end of the zipper before she cut the zip off short.

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