Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well the polls are in and I have two keen young volunteers for the A-line skirt project.
J's measurements:
  1. Waist--high hip: 86 cm
  2. widest point:96 cm
  3. vertical distance from 1-2: 12.5 cm
  4. finished length: 33 cm

E's measurements:

  1. Waist--high hip: 100 cm
  2. widest point: 111 cm
  3. vertical distance from 1-2: 16 cm
  4. finished length: 35 cm

Now for the extra good news: the fabric I got was 130 cm wide, so I can get both skirt pieces across the width. That means I'll get two or even three of these little skirts out of just over a metre of fabric! I guess now is not the time to comment that sewing for yourself doesn't always save money. $5 for a metre of cute denim; maybe another $1 for the interfacing I'm using to make the patterns; not too much work and hey presto! Two happy volunteers:) That's what I'm hoping anyway.

Here are the pics:

Fabric folded selvedges to middle, giving me two fold lines on which to place the pattern.

First pattern piece pinned in place, ready to cut out.

Second piece ready to cut out, I had to flip over the pattern so that the centre line of the pattern would sit on the fold.

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