Tuesday, December 9, 2008

That Pin-cushion

OK, here's that pin-cushion I suggested as a good first project.

You need
  • 2 squares of plain fabric--10 cm square is good.
  • a matching button

  • polyester fibre fill for stuffing

  • your basic sewing kit

What to do . . .

  1. Place the right sides of the two squares of fabric together and sew around the edges. Leave a gap to turn it through to the right side and for the stuffing. You can use the outside of the presser foot as a guide for your sewing. that will leave a nice width for your seam. Notice that I've sewn a little bit of the fourth side of the square as well as all of the three other sides. That will make it easier to keep the corners neat.

  2. Clip off the corners of the fabric--make sure you don't snip the stitching.

  3. Turn the whole thing inside out--or right side out:) You can use the back of a pen or something like that to poke the corners out. Notice how I've got four corners because I sewed a bit on each end of the fourth side.

  4. Now the stuffing: start with a little bit in each of the corners and then stuff the middle. Just use a bit at a time, but do stuff it nice and firmly.

  5. Next step is to sew up the little opening. I'll do this by hand because the stitches won't show as much that way.

  6. Finally, sew the button on in the middle, through all thicknesses. That will make the cushion nice and plump, so hopefully the pins won't stick out through the bottom.

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