Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pin cushion Done

Here it is--complete with pins.

A few notes about the hand stitching:

  • Use a length of thread about a foot long. An easy way to measure is to cut the thread about the distance from your wrist to your elbow. That's about as much as most people can handle without getting all tangled up. Also it limits the amount of wear on the thread as it pulls through the fabric.
  • Don't knot the end of the thread. It's better to do a couple of little stitches in the same spot to secure the beginning and end of your stitching.
  • I use a "ladder stitch" to close up little gaps like this. That means taking a little stitch out of each of the sides to be joined in turn. Each stitch is parallel to the seam line. The threads that cross between the two sides look like the rungs of a ladder until they are pulled in tight. Once they're sitting in place they virtually disappear.

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