Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cutting out your A-line Skirt

This pattern is designed for a plain woven fabric. Most of these fabrics are sold as 115 cm width. So the amount of fabric you'll need to buy is twice the finished length of the skirt, plus about 20 cm to allow for the casing, hem and any wastage--for example if the fabric isn't cut quite straight off the roll there will be a bit of waste.

Here's what to do:
  1. First, wash, dry and press your fabric
  2. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise. The selvedges will meet together on one side and the fold where you place the pattern will be on the other side. Make sure the fabric is lying smooth and flat.
  3. Pin the pattern to the fabric with the straight edge of the pattern piece up against the fold line.
  4. Cut it out--use sharp scissors and make sure the scissors are held at right angles to the fabric so that your cutting out is accurate.
  5. Do it all again to get your second pattern piece cut out--or you could make a second copy of the pattern, whatever you prefer.

Ta da . . . a skirt front and a skirt back ready to be stitched together!

OK, to make this realistic, I really should find a bit of fabric and do a demo. Do I know anyone who needs a new little A-line skirt? Volunteers, please step forward now!

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