Friday, February 20, 2009

Defragmenting. . . I Wish!

I've been learning a bit about my computer lately. When I started blogging I really wanted to think of the computer as a silent partner. But over the past few weeks it's been quite noisy in it's demands for my attention--to the detriment of my sewing. In the process, I've learned a bit more about my computer.

One of the things I've learned about in my attempts to get my computer to behave, is "defragmenting a disc". Apparently when the computer stores files on a disc it sometimes puts bits of files in different places rather than all together in the one place. Over time the result is inefficiency. The computer's performance slows down because it takes more time to find the bits of files in their various locations . . .

Well at the moment, my sewing room definitely needs to be "defragmented". I've had a busy few weeks and I've got bits of projects all over the place--half my cutting board is covered with bits and pieces, there is a pile of quilt cutting equipment on my ironing board and several boxes spilling over on the floor. My sewing desk isn't much better, papers and accessories for my new computer are mixed up with pincushions and boxes of elastic and rolls of ribbon. And I'm definitely suffering from inefficiency and slowing down of my performance.

There's a command on the computer somewhere that tells it to defragment its discs. Unfortunately there's no such button anywhere in my sewing room, so I'm going to have to do the task manually. And if I remember correctly, even with its magic button, cleaning up my computer discs took most of the day. I'm afraid my sewing room will take about as long, or longer . . . and I'm out this morning . . . at a computer class:) . . . so it will have to be tomorrow. So, "defragging" here we come, and I'll look forward to some more happy and efficient sewing after that.


Vireya said...

Oh, I love this idea! Someone please defragment my sewing room. Please?

Chiara Z said...

The only trouble is, I can't find the right command to do it . . . other than my usual commands to myself!